November 10, 2020

The nonprofit provided funding and served as the facilitator for the purchase

North Florida Land Trust has completed a deal to purchase two parcels of conservation land near Egans Creek Greenway for the City of Fernandina Beach. NFLT negotiated the agreement with the landowner, J R Holdings of North Florida, for a purchase price of $400,000. As part of its partnership agreement with the City, NFLT paid for 50 percent of the acquisition cost and the City paid the remainder.

“The two parcels are adjacent to an undeveloped City-owned right of way and this purchase will keep this natural space intact,” said Jim McCarthy, president of NFLT. “Our Amelia Forever Campaign, designed for acquisitions like this, helped to fund our committed portion of the purchase price. Businesses, foundations, individuals and other entities can contribute to conservation by joining our campaign so we can continue to save other natural places on the Island.”

The approximately three acres are adjacent to the Egans Creek Greenway on the east. This purchase will keep this natural space free from development forever. The properties are now owned by the City of Fernandina Beach and will be added to the Egans Creek Greenway.

NFLT continues to raise money for conservation projects on Amelia Island through its Amelia Forever Campaign. To donate, visit www.nflt.org/ameliaforever or contact Megan Mangiaracino at (904) 479-1967 or mmangiaracino@nflt.org.

About North Florida Land Trust

North Florida Land Trust is a not-for-profit organization that seeks to protect the natural resources, historic places and working lands (farms and ranches) throughout north Florida. Founded in 1999, NFLT has preserved tens of thousands of acres of land through donation or purchase of land as well as conservation easements.  NFLT is funded largely by private and corporate contributions and works closely with willing landowners and public agencies at all levels of government, not-for-profit partners, and foundations.